Friday, September 20, 2013

Focus on Teaching & Technology: St. Louis Regional Conference

To those of you who will be in or around the St. Louis area on Thursday, October 24-Friday, October 25, consider attending Focus on Teaching and Technology, a St. Louis regional conference held at the University of Missouri, St. Louis.

I am grateful that the conference committee has selected me to keynote the event along with Amy Collier of Stanford University. My keynote is titled "Humanizing Learning with Emerging Technologies" and it will be followed by an advanced VoiceThread workshop, "Tips and Strategies for Flipping Your Classroom with VoiceThread."

The two-day event is packed with fabulous sessions covering topics from infographics, GoAnimate, social media and FERPA compliance, using digital media in the ESL classroom, the flipped classroom and more! 

I am looking forward to connecting with the higher ed communication in St. Louis in October!

Registration information is available on the website at:

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