Friday, September 27, 2013

Free Webinar: Humanizing Your Online Class

I am honored and excited to be selected to present this free Inside Higher Ed webinar on October 9th, brought to you by Academic Partnerships.  It will be packed with tips and strategies from my book Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technologies and my new eBook, How to Humanize Your Online Class with VoiceThread (Nook).  The foundation of the presentation will be the voices of my very own online students. 

Wednesday, October 9th
12:00pm PDT-1:00pm PDT / 3:00pm EDT-4:00pm EDT

Humans are social beings and learning is a social process. Both require interaction and connection to flourish. Do these factors undermine the effectiveness of an online class or strengthen it? In our digital, mobile society are discussion forums still the most effective tool for student-student interactions? In this webinar, Michelle Pacansky-Brock will share examples of what students identify as valuable characteristics of a "humanized" online class and identify key tips and strategies for harnessing the potential of emerging technologies to make your online class personal, meaningful, and memorable.
The webinar is part of the Inside Higher Ed webinar series and is brought to you by Academic Partnerships, as part of the free professional development Micro MOOC, Human Element Micro-MOOC, Human Element: An Essential Online Course Component, being delivered via the Canvas Network.

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