Monday, July 29, 2013

Video: Flipping Student Presentations with Google+ Hangouts on Air and VoiceThread

Last week, +Brad Belbas of Macalaster College joined me in a "Learn with Michelle" Hangout to share his creative application of Google+ Hangouts on Air and VoiceThread to transform the traditional small group student presentation activity into an active, meaningful exchange for all learners (hence the "flip" reference!).

Brad's excellence instructional design and pedagogical strategies are archived in the video below, which I hope you will enjoy!  He will explain how he has designed a carefully scaffolded research project that has students work in Zotero to collaboratively construct a bibliography for their project, share preliminary research project ideas with their classmates and get feedback in a Google+ Community, and then make their small group presentation in Google+ Hangout on Air.  The Hangout is archived to YouTube and that video is downloaded, then uploaded into a VoiceThread.  The VoiceThread transforms the video of the presentation into an asynchronous conversation in which the entire class engages.  This final dialogue is facilitated by the presenters in line with Brad's groundrules to foster "exploratory talk."

You will take many great ideas away from this conversation! I know I did! This video may also be viewed on YouTube at

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