Thursday, December 19, 2013

New PDF Guide: Strategies for Humanizing Your Online Class with VoiceThread

Recently, I self-published my first eBook, How to Humanize Your Online Class with VoiceThread, which is a curation of my teaching practices, videos, and VoiceThreads wrapped into a pedagogical framework.  One of the reasons I wrote the eBook was to leverage my experiences as an educator teaching with VoiceThread and communicate them in an accessible way to a diverse group of educators who may be using VoiceThread independently without institutional support (as I did for many years) or with institutional support but with little to no training.

We all understand the deep cuts faculty development programs have experienced in recent years, while the speed of technological change has increased and instruction has become increasingly blended.  New forms of faculty support are clearly needed.

Today, I shared a free PDF guide that functions as a companion to the eBook. It may serve as a starting point to review the framework that is used in the eBook or it may serve as a helpful resource as you read the eBook and begin to implement the concepts into your own class.

As always, I value feedback about my work.  I am accessible on Twitter @brocansky, Google+, or you may message directly on my blog through the form in the right column. 

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