Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Learning to Unlearn

This month in my GETInsight blog post* explores the value of unlearning in changing education.  Like fish swimming fluidly through water, we become so accustomed to the patterns that inform our educational processes that we are unable to see them.  Without the ability to see them, we are paralyzed and unable to change them. 

This post examines connections -- difficult to accept at times -- between the assembly line thinking that inspired the United States' educational system in the industrial age and the same schools, classrooms, assignments, and tests our students engage with each day. 

I hope the post stirs you enough to see and maybe even ask a question, make a comment, send it to a colleague, or reflect on it in solitude.

Go to the Learning to Unlearn post on

*Each month I write one GETInsight blog post which is sponsored by

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