Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sloan-C/MERLOT/Moodle Join Forces for Emerging Tech Finesse in San Jose 2010

And it's in MY HOMETOWN!! Do YOU know the way to San Jose?

Mark your calendar!

The 3rd Annual Emerging Technologies for Online Learning Symposium, brought to you by the partnership of Sloan Consortium and MERLOT with MoodleMoot, will be held July 20-23, 2010 at The Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, CA.

Share your expertise at the 2010 symposium!
The symposium focuses on the technologies that drive online learning effectiveness. The conference planning committee is seeking proposals that demonstrate research, application and best practices of important emerging technological tools related to social networking, assessment, open educational resources, new media and support services.

We are also accepting proposals for pre-conference workshops. For additional details on the symposium, presentation submission guidelines and to submit your proposals, visit our website at

Call for Presentations is Now Open!

Submit proposals online by January 18, 2020 at

Things to do in San Jose.

1 comment:

MarcAlanSperber said...

Hi Michelle,

If you were only able to go to one conference a year, and this this Sloan-C/MERLOT/Moodle conference seemed up your alley, would you go to this over the annual Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning? I haven't been to either, but it seems the annual Sloan-C will cover much of what will be covered in the other one, and more. Thoughts?

Thanks for your feedback,