Thursday, July 23, 2009

Teach Naked!!

Yeah, baby!

This is good, really good.

I shared a blog post awhile back about an experiment I did in my spring art history class in which I removed all the lecturing from the classroom and rolled them all into podcasts (and PDFs - students were given a choice as to how they access their classes) and spent the face-to-face time with my students discussing, debating and critiquing the class content.

This week there was a great new article shared in the Chronicle of Higher Ed about Jose Bowen, dean of the Meadows School of the Arts, who has made the bold move to remove computers from his classrooms. His goal? To axe boring PowerPoints from the lives of students and reinvigorate their learning with engaging, human-to-human contact. Hmmmm. Sounds like the stuff learning is made of.

Check it out:

If the concept sounds intriguing to you, I hope you'll join me in September for a webinar I'll be presenting for the Educause Learning Initiative titled Teaching Without Walls: Life Beyond the Lecture, based on very similar concepts as Teach Naked (darn, I wish I had thought of that title!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing...seeing the "green shoots" of the shift. I read your other post about Sloan Conference and spent the weekend scouring the NCAT website I found on the wiki link info! So very exciting for the students we serve. I also read on Chronicle of Higher Ed today that Yale has put some of their full courses online.
One of my favorite quotes, "Revolution happens when it cannot be contained by status quo institutions."